About Us
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After establishing a local church in Bradenton, Florida in 2005, we quickly reached out with the Gospel message to the entire world!
We initially began our International ministry in India by working with Pastors, women, Bible Colleges, widows, lepers and orphans, including rescuing small children from prostituition and labor camps. We developed strategies that would help equip leaders with the tools they needed to impact their own regions.
With the addidtion of our television program "Illumination" we then began to reach out to other parts of the world including Pakistan, China, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. We then went into the Middle Eastern region of the world including the United Arab Emirates. Then the ministry really exploded when we went all over Africa!
Between our Bible College (GIBCS), our television and radio programs, our International Ministry Alliance and Woman of Higher Calling.... BY THE GRACE OF GOD, we are doing our very best to fulfil the great commission!
When people ask us what type of a ministry is Church Without Limits International we answer with we are a .... Bible preaching, devil stomping, soul winning, believer empowering, unconditional loving, disciple making, faith accepting, diligently seeking, effectively praying, spirit & truth worshipping, scripture reading, child training, jail visiting, naked clothing, hungry feeding, needy supplying, world traveling, pastor equipping, orphan housing, widow supporting, illumination teaching, kingdom working, word obeying, great commission following, crown receiving, on fire, radical, zealous, pleasing to God……… End time Worldwide Ministry!